Every day our purchasing team buys our products directly from the Fish Market, from suppliers with tanks on site and from fish farms. We plan our purchases as to keep a stock and to complete your order. These allow us to offer the best daily products marked-to-market.
At our premises products are classified, cleaned, packed and labeled in accordance with health and safety regulations. The information on the label – species, origin, date of capture and batch number ¬– facilitates product traceability. Only then, the product is ready to be delivered live or fresh elsewhere in the country. Guaranteed delivery in less than 24 hours maintaining the cold chain.
GONTELO is the first step on the supply chain. Our sales are focused to the channel, retailers in particular - fish shops, supermarkets, convenience stores and the Horeca sector (restaurants, catering). The channel is a priority for us. This is the reason why we strive to solve every requirement or suggestion, since the final customer’s satisfaction is in the interest of everyone.
Our website offers our customers the opportunity to set up an account where to go over selling prices and special offers. For any enquiries, please phone/fax us on 986 36 91 99 or send us an email.